interior konzept system®
The project structure for interiors.
Interior design office inbyko
To meet the requirements and needs of building, working, living and design in a targeted manner. We are the first point of contact for current interior design issues.
Florian Zelenka
Dipl. Interior Designer SBA | Carpenter EFZ
Member of the Association of Swiss Interior DesignersVSI.ASAI
interior design office
Interior design office inbyko
Holistic interior projects
Remodeling, extending or renewing spatial structures
(Walls, floors, ceilings and doors)
and fittings
(kitchens, bathrooms, stairs, closets)
Utilizing and designing the interior
Furnishing, furnishing and decorating apartments and houses (colours and materials)
Interior design office inbyko
Competent and well-trained team of qualified interior designers and furnishing specialists
Project processes and structures according to SIA 118 / 112 / 102
Modern measuring, drawing and communication tools
Drawing programs for building plans and execution plans in CAD as a communication basis for all those involved in the project
Visualizations for easy understanding, as hand sketches or photorealistic
Cost estimates; showing investments in planned work and adjustments
Schedules; showing execution times and construction processes
Network and contacts with regional craftsmen and suppliers
Construction management for monitoring the execution on site
Interior design office inbyko
We make interior design services and planning quickly and easily accessible to our customers.
The aim of a collaborative partnership is to pursue and implement your project goals sustainably, efficiently and in line with your wishes and goals.
The interior design office of the future should meet the requirements and needs of building, living and design and be the first competent point of contact for all current interior issues. We deal with the conditions of the building and space with the aim of pursuing your project goals in the best possible and most efficient way. We are for: well thought-out and sustainable concepts and against wasting living space and buying furniture without a plan.
Since 2018, we have been developing and planning for private customers in the area of apartment conversions and renovations, the interior design of kitchens, bathrooms and living areas and the furnishing of interiors with furniture and paint.
For professional developers and business customers, we design and implement work and experience environments, with reception desks, customer areas and entire office concepts for the future.
Interior designers Switzerland
We as inbyko interior design office are members of the renowned Association of Swiss Interior Designers VSI.ASAI. Our collaboration and membership in the industry association underlines our commitment to quality standards and ethical principles in interior design.
Through our membership in the association, our customers benefit from underlying specialist expertise.
Our interior designers have recognized training and career paths and use their extensive professional experience to create innovative solutions for the individual needs of our customers. The industry association network enables us to always be up to date with the latest industry developments and to offer our customers contemporary, creative design and innovative solutions.
Our commitment to ethical standards and accountability to our customers is deeply embedded in the way we work. Membership in the industry association not only means transparency for our customers, but also the certainty of working with a company that adheres to and maintains quality standards.
We at inbyko Interior Design meet the requirements and standards of the international European Council of Interior Architects ECIA and the Association of Swiss Interior Architects VSI.ASAI . Our working models and project processes are based on the principles of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA.
Our approach includes the recognition, compliance and use of industry-specific prescribed standards, which reinforces our work in projects and teacher training and distinguishes us as a qualified and reliable interior design firm. We are proud to be recognized as inbyko for our quality and expertise and look forward to working with our clients to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional, sustainable and meet individual needs.
Clients who work with companies from the Association of Swiss Interior Designers VSI.ASAI can benefit from various advantages related to the conditions and quality of services.
Interior designers Switzerland
Qualifizierte Fachleute
Unternehmen in der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI verfügen über qualifizierte Innenarchitekten mit anerkannten Ausbildungen und umfangreicher Berufserfahrung.
Einhaltung von Qualitätsstandards
Die Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI signalisiert das Engagement eines Unternehmens für hohe Qualitätsstandards in der Innenarchitektur. Dies umfasst die Einhaltung ethischer Prinzipien und die Befähigung, Probleme der Funktion und Qualität von Räumen kreativ zu lösen.
Professionelle Netzwerke und Zusammenarbeit
Unternehmen in der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI haben Zugang zu einem professionellen Netzwerk von Innenarchitekten und können von einem intensiven Austausch von Erfahrungen und Ideen profitieren. Dies ermöglicht eine kollaborative Herangehensweise an Projekte.
Fortlaufende Weiterbildung
Die Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI bietet Unternehmen Zugang zu Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Innenarchitekten stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Branche sind. Dies führt zu einem kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozess und innovativen Lösungen.
Berufsethik und Verantwortlichkeit
Durch die Mitgliedschaft verpflichten sich Unternehmen, ethische Standards einzuhalten. Dies schließt die Verantwortlichkeit gegenüber Kunden und die sorgfältige Umsetzung von Projekten ein.
Hohe Ausbildungs- und Qualifikationsstandards
Kunden können darauf vertrauen, dass Innenarchitekten in der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI über die notwendige Ausbildung und Qualifikationen verfügen. Dies kann eine bessere Gewährleistung für eine professionelle und sachkundige Umsetzung der Projekte bieten.
Anerkannte Diplome und Standards
Unternehmen in der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI akzeptieren und fördern anerkannte Diplome und Standards, was zu einer transparenten und standardisierten Herangehensweise an die Innenarchitekturprojekte führt.
Zusammengefasst bieten Unternehmen der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Innenarchitekten VSI.ASAI eine umfassende Expertise und Verpflichtung zu Qualitätsstandards, was für Kunden eine zuverlässige und professionelle Partnerschaft sicherstellt.